Vitality Power Bites

Vitality Superfood with Date Ball Ingredients

Vitality Power Bites

These healthy balls are an instant energy, healthy snack that you can roll up in minutes. They call for just a handful of natural ingredients. Enjoyed for breakfast, a snack or a post workout treat!


What you’ll need:

  • 1.5 cups almond flour (your favorite gluten free flour)
  • 10 soft medjool dates
  • 1 cup shelled pistachios
  • 1/3 cup cashew butter
  • 1 scoop of Recharge and Replenish Vitality Boost
  • 1 Tbsp water
  • .5 tsp of sea salt

Vitality Power Ball Steps:

  1. Add all of the ingredients to your food processor

  2. Pulse until the mixture sticks together when balled

  3. If too crumbly, add a bit of water

  4. Roll the mixture into balls

  5. Top with extra pistachio crunchies and a dash of R&R

Superfood & You

We’ve developed a guide that assists you in becoming fluent in the world of adaptogen nutrition to ensure that YOU can support your own fitness journey in the best possible way: from the inside out. 

Read more about our ingredients – and why they made the cut for our organic superfood blend, Recharge and Replenish, Vitality Boost.


Read more

Superfoods in this guis can also be found in One Farm’s other remedies including, out Turmeric + CBD Relief Cream

Learn  more about the many benefits and uses of Turmeric 


Recharge & Replenish vitality date balls
One farm Turmeric pumpkin bread recipe

Turmeric Pumpkin Bread

Immune Boosting brownie bites fortified with One Farm's Daily 8 immunity boost

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Vitality Power Bites

Prep Time:
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