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Wondering whether your diet could benefit from an organic, full spectrum CBD supplement?

Let’s face it – deciding to join in that pursuit of an absolute, definitive state of ‘healthfulness’ means discovering that there is, unfortunately, no absolute and definitive state of healthfulness. Whether we are rushing into something that ultimately amounts to nothing more than a passing trend, or lacking the understanding necessary to ensure that we meet our bodies’ unique needs while striving toward an objective view of ‘health’, it often feels like a guarantee that the road to good health and wellbeing is paved with hindrances and setbacks. Similarly, it can often feel as though ‘being healthy’ means making life-altering changes, like eradicating supposedly bad habits, or ditching that social life for a rigorous, daily exercise routine.

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Much of the time, however, the best changes are small and seemingly un-momentous. For one thing, many of the things our bodies crave the most are pretty simple: wholefoods, movement, sleep, the vitamins and nutrients that exist abundantly within nature, and time away from sources of stress and anxiety in our lives. For another, these are the changes that prove to be sustainable; if they can fit comfortably within our routines, then they can eventually become habit and support us throughout the months and years to come.

The use of CBD, or cannabidiol, as a dietary supplement intended to keep our minds and bodies healthy is a practice dotted throughout history, and around the globe. And, while this extract can be utilized in a wide variety of ways, one of the most popular products on the market today is water-soluble CBD – an ingestible dietary supplement that reacts with our bodies’ innate endocannabinoid system to offer many potential benefits to our health and wellbeing.

From its molecular structure to its uses and benefits, read our ultimate guide to water-soluble CBD below. 

Man Hydrating

How Water Soluble CBD Differs from CBD Oil

In recent years, we have seen a significant amount of uptake across the United States, as the long list of potential health benefits offered by this hemp-derived compound gain attention in medical and social circles. In fact, a recent 2021 survey found that around 1 in 7 Americans has used a CBD product, and for conditions as wide ranging as arthritis, anxiety, and insomnia.

With so many scientific studies, news sites, and CBD distributors extoling the benefits of the CBD compound at its most basic, it could seem like something of a contradiction to opt for a product that has, effectively, been ‘watered down’ from its original, concentrated state.

There is, however, a particularly good reason behind solubilizing cannabidiol. What’s more, the term ‘purity’ does not offer a useful benchmark for those shopping for CBD products – but we will talk more about that further down.

While the fundamental compound drawn out of the plant features all the vitamins and nutrients for which CBD is valued, its chemical structure and hydrophobic (water repellent) nature significantly limits the amount the body is able to absorb – thus preventing those who ingest CBD oil from reaping the full benefits found within a single dosage.

As the name would suggest, a water-soluble CBD is one that has been combined with an emulsifier – effectively suspending smaller particles of CBD within a special liquid – in order to improve its ability to be absorbed within the body when ingested.

The extent to which nutrients can be absorbed is also known as a substance’s ‘bioavailability’.  Due to the change CBD goes through in order to become water soluble, it boasts a much higher bioavailability than CBD oil. These nutrients are, however, the same as those offered by the raw CBD extract used in concentrated oils.

As a result, the primary differences between water soluble CBD and CBD oil lies in its molecular structure, rather than the nature of the benefits and nutrients they offer.

What We Know: CBD and Your Health and Wellbeing

We have established that a water-soluble CBD boasts a far higher bioavailability within the human body – meaning, of course, that the body can absorb more of the nutrients CBD has to offer – but what exactly does cannabidiol offer for the body?

Research in this area is still relatively young and is just now beginning to take off in mainstream western medicine and science – although recent years have seen remarkable acceleration within both scientific and medical fields around the world, as the global CBD market continues to expand.

Thus far, the greatest amount of research has been dedicated to studying CBD’s positive impact on childhood epilepsy conditions, as well as its potential positive impact in the treatment of serious illnesses, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Currently, many of the primary uses of CBD – for instance, as a treatment for chronic pain, insomnia, depression, and anxiety – remain grounded in anecdotal evidence, rather than a dearth of broad and comprehensive scientific studies. Take, for instance, this 2018 Cross-Sectional Study of CBD Users – rather than analysing the health benefits of CBD within controlled laboratory settings, researchers have instead categorized the potential benefits as reported by users themselves. Over a third of the study’s respondents reported that CBD offered an effective treatment for their medical condition on its own, without the use of any other treatments.

This sort of research will no doubt give rise to a staggering variety of specialized, thorough-going research papers into each of the purported benefits of CBD in the coming years. In this 2018 review, for instance, in addition to furthering our understanding of the potential benefits phytocannabinoids – in particular, CBD – offer to mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, PTSD and addiction, researchers identify a need for uniform legalization across the United States in order to ensure a more comprehensive understanding of its applications.

Reasons to Opt for a Water-Soluble CBD

While all organic CBD extracts are able to offer plenty of benefits and applications – for instance, the oil can be ingested or administered directly onto the skin by those experiencing chronic or acute pain – there are many reasons to choose to supplement your diet with a water-soluble CBD.

The Bioavailability

We have already touched upon the enhanced bioavailability of water-soluble CBD, but the fact remains that this has been demonstrated to be a more efficient means for accessing the benefits of ingesting this compound. The advantages of opting for a water-soluble CBD, however, extend far beyond its ability to be absorbed into the body more fully.

The Taste

For one thing, some users find CBD to be a highly acquired taste. While some savor the deep, bitter taste of the oil, others struggle to get used to it – something that can be difficult, given that sublingual administration (in other words, holding it under the tongue) is often purported to be the best method for absorbing it into the bloodstream, and bypassing the digestive system.

By virtue of its bioavailability, water soluble CBD needn’t be held under the tongue in order to reach the bloodstream effectively – a godsend for those who cannot abide the taste of CBD oil. It can be swallowed within a drink, without making a big impact on the beverage’s flavor. It is for this reason that One Farm’s water-soluble CBD is also used within Present’s CBD-Infused Sparkling Water.

The Convenience

To that end, water soluble CBD also offers an incredibly convenient alternative. Many users will mix a dropper into their morning juice, or a post-workout smoothie, and ingest it that way – meaning that ensuring daily intake of CBD is quick, easy and, most importantly for those who never acquired the taste for CBD oil, far more palatable.

Organic Vs Non-Organic CBD

The CBD industry remains largely unregulated at this point in time, but there are certain standards to which valuable producers will adhere – and customers can use these standards as benchmarks for ensuring that they are only investing in the most beneficial, healthful, and safe products on the market today.

For years, we have been aware of the fact that we should be consuming organically grown fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables, as well as meat and poultry that has been reared on organic feed. In essence, the term ‘organic’ differentiates between those products that have been grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, toxins, pesticides, or hormones, and those that have been grown in unnatural and harmful conditions, and CBD products are no different.

Like any other plant, the hemp plant draws nutrients – and, if present, harmful chemicals – from the soil as it grows. Whether they are designed to be ingested, or to be applied directly onto the skin – for instance, in the form of a transdermal CBD cream or day cream – products borne of a natural methodology for planting, growing and harvesting will avoid the health risks associated with non-organic practices and products.

What’s more, organic farming holds many benefits for the environment. By assimilating our practices with nature – rather than working against it – we can ensure that grown products are supporting our health now, and the health of our planet in the future.

By assimilating our practices with nature – rather than working against it – we can ensure that grown products are supporting our health now, and the health of our planet in the future.

Long's Peak in Colorado

The Benefits of Single-Sourced CBD

In much the same way that a company’s stance on the organic/non-organic debate makes a significant difference to the final product – and its impact on the environment – so too does the decision to pursue a single source for CBD.

At One Farm, for instance, we hold full control over every stage of the process. From the genetics and planting to the harvesting and extraction processes – all of which are vital steps in the journey from plant to product – everything takes place on our own farm, and passes through our own hands, rather than the hands of a third-party, over which we have little to no control.

The benefits are clear to see. Not only can we be sure that all the CBD we produce meets our rigorous high standards – ensuring consistency and value for money for our customers – but keeping every process in-house ensures that we are not shipping products back and forth, and raising our carbon footprint.

Furthermore, some countries are subject to more relaxed rules around testing, which means that companies who choose to source their CBD from those areas, rather than growing and extracting it themselves, cannot be confident in the quality or safety of their products.

The Ingredients: What to Look for


Whether you have experimented with CBD in your skincare or diet before, or come to us as a total newcomer, deciphering the list of ingredients and ascertaining whether or not a product is worth your time is rarely straightforward. Ingredients lists can make for heavy reading – unless, of course, you’re a pharmaceutical scientist, or the company you are shopping with endeavors to offer customers transparency, rather than abstruseness.

When it comes to water soluble CBD, the CBD should be able to ‘speak for itself’, so to say. In more concrete terms, this simply means that a good quality organic CBD needn’t be surrounded by extraneous ingredients – the shorter the ingredients list, the better.

At One Farm, our water-soluble CBD features just three ingredients:

  • Organic, full-spectrum CBD extract
  • Accecia gum
  • Distilled water

For a CBD dietary supplement, this is all we consider necessary to offering our customers the full list of potential benefits for regular CBD intake.


What is the Difference Between CBD Isolate and Full-spectrum CBD?

As the name suggests, an isolate has effectively isolated the CBD from the rest of the compounds found within hemp. These include other cannabinoids, which are simply lost via the extraction process. The result is a pure product – a name which can sound positive to those who know little about CBD.

In this case, however, purity means that a whole gamut of beneficial compounds is wasted, and that the product represents a missed opportunity for the health and wellbeing of the user.

Full spectrum extraction preserves more compounds than any other process. It has been filtered and processed as little as possible. Not only does this mean that the chemical structure of the final product is as diverse and beneficial as possible, but it also ensures that (provided the producer adheres to a rigorous code of practice) the risk of dangerous contaminants making their way into the product is curtailed.

Can I Take CBD Every Day?

Yes – provided you have consulted with your primary care physician first and choose a high quality, organic CBD, taking a water-soluble CBD every day is the best way to ensure your body is reaping the full benefit of this dietary supplement.

Does Water Soluble CBD Contain THC?

Full spectrum extraction preserves a wide range of compounds found in the hemp plant, including THC – otherwise known as tetrahydrocannabinol. If it sounds familiar, that is likely due to the fact that this particular compound is responsible for the psychoactive effects (the high) associated with smoking or ingesting marijuana. For that reason, many people prefer to avoid it.

Hemp has much lower levels of THC than marijuana, and the amount of THC that is left within our CBD following full spectrum extraction is minimal – under 0.3%, as verified via third-party testing.

How Do I Take CBD?

The easiest way to ingest water-soluble CBD is by adding a drop or two to any beverage. For many people, maintaining a regular schedule for supplements is the hardest part, which is why building water soluble CBD into your routine by, for instance, including it within your post-workout smoothie or morning juice, is one of the best and most convenient ways of ensuring you meet your daily intake, every day.

How Do I Store it?

After opening, water soluble CBD should be stored in the refrigerator to ensure it retains its quality.

Are Hemp and Marijuana the Same Thing?

Our CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, which is a classification of the cannabis plant. Marijuana is also a classification of the cannabis plant, defined by the presence of a THC count above 0.3%.

As we mentioned above, however, hemp features a maximum THC count of 0.3%, meaning that it lacks the strong psychoactive effects of many of the most common strains of marijuana. It is for this reason that a full spectrum extraction process can retain so many of the compounds found within the plant, without producing products that contain high levels of THC.

Why Choose One Farm’s Products?

Every one of our products has been subject to the passion and respect the team at One Farm holds for its organic CBD, and its many potential applications for human and animal health and wellbeing, and remains subject to the incredibly high standard to which we hold ourselves.

Our decision to center all stages of CBD growth, harvesting and extraction on our own farm here in the mountain town of Niwot, Colorado has meant that we can dedicate ourselves to ensuring the absolute best from our products, whether you are in the market for a dietary supplement, skincare, pain relief or pet care.

Our products are backed by the latest in scientific research, and by our own understanding of the care, diligence, and attention to detail required to grow a high-quality product from just the seed of an idea.

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