3rd Party Testing

CBD Batch Testing for 01142020

We 3rd party test every batch that comes out of our USDA Certified lab. Click your flavor and find matching the 8 digit number on the bottom of your bottle!


10mg Cinnamon 01142020-015

20 mg/mL Flavorless 01142020-014

20 mg/mL Lemon – 01142020-012

30 mg/mL Flavorless 01142020-009

30 mg/mL Lemon – 01142020-013

30 mg/mL Mint – 01142020-011

40 mg/mL Lemon – 01142020-010

20 mg/mL Water Soluble – 01142020-020

30 mg/mL Natural – 01142020-003

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